
It is well known string pinsetters is the future due to low pricing, less maintenance needed and a lower power consumption.

It is basically a no brainer financially choosing string pinsetters instead of free fall machines today. 9 out of 10 new bowling centers install String Pinsetters.

WAB Pinsetter

The WAB pinsetter has only two things in focus. Durability and low-cost maintenance.
With sturdy materials and a simple construction, the pinsetter is set to run for many years at a low cost.

The machine area

The machine area is built for easy maintenance access.

Safety regulations:

Both the WAB pinsetter and the WAB machine area is built with the strict European machine safety regulations in mind.
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We Are Bowling

Manufactures the most flexible bowling experience ever made.
The possibility to customize the bowling experience is truly unique and will bring smiles on every customers face again and again and again….

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